Finally! have wanted to write for a week! You can only order from commissary once a week and I missed it but my new roommate gave me some paper and pencil and a stamp.
I was in Isolation from Monday to Wednesday with no interaction with anyone. Then they made me a AS1 which are all in a wing with other girls in Protective Custody. I just got a new roommate today, she is really nice. Please pray for F. She is trying to learn about Jesus since she got in here and she is wanting to understand. She wants to get clean and get her kids back. I am praying that God will take hold of her and protect her.
I can't believe it has already been a week. I have more to tell you than I'll have room to write. The "train" that takes me to Perryville usually comes at 2am on Tues and Thurs and since it didn't come this week, I hope it comes by at least Thurs. Maybe I'll be there by the time you get this. The jail doesn't have anywhere to put those of us who are AS1's, they won't put us in the general population, so we are in the disciplinary detention wing. We are locked in our room 23 1/2 hrs. a day and get out to the day room for 30 minutes to take a shower, use the phone, get a book.
I have been reading a lot, I found a copy of Emma and a Spanish Bible. By Wednesday, I found an English Gideon's Bible, Yay! tell Ginger, Yes they do put them in jails. She thought right. I finished the New Testament last night (Sat). I read an interesting book on Pre-Trib from the Chaplains library called "No Fear of the Storm" by Tim LaHaye,I liked it. I traded out my Gideon Bible for an NIV study Bible that appeared out of "nowhere", into our book tub today:). I was just saying to God last night "I wish I had an easier translation to read" Thanks Jesus!
The food is definitely yucky, but I make myself eat 200-300 calories each meal. Hey-this is Fat Camp!
If you are good all week you get a bottle of RC and a package of Grandmas Peanut butter cookies!
The first two days were hard. Time passed very slowly. That is one thing about jail, everything takes time. When they wake you up for breakfast at 4am, the days seem very long. But God has been so Good. Even when I was alone, I didn't feel lonely. He is teaching me how to be still in him. For those of you who know me well, you know how miraculous that is because I hate to be alone. It took me a couple of days of being still in him to remind me of who I am. One of the hardest things about jail is not the food, the lack of comfort, or the boredom. It is that in here you ARE your charges. You are defined by your crime. The officers do not like you, no matter how respectful or kind you are, and the inmates all want to know what you did. I was reminded on Wednesday that my righteousness comes not from what I do, therefore it cannot be taken away because of what I have done. My value and my worth comes from Christ alone. my righteousness is a gift freely given by his grace and received by faith. My God looks on me with love and says I am His. And that is truth.
Today I sat across from a another girl facing serious life altering charges who is harassed and threatened because of her charges. As she shared with me, she said " There is something different about you, You are all joyful." I said oh well, that is Jesus."! I was so excited she could see him in me, I almost fell over. She said, "That's crazy, that's what my roommate says too. You are the only two in here who don't look at me with hate in your eyes." "I said, that's my Jesus too." We were able to have a conversation that his sacrifice is great enough to cover all our sin. Before we went back to our cells, she said "I want what you have, I want that peace." I have been praying for her all day, and I can't wait for day room tomorrow. The transforming power of Gods love, it never ceases to amaze me. Please pray for her, that she will find peace and new life in him.
One week down, 129 or so to go. It is going to be an amazing journey. One of restoration, peace, and even joy. I miss you all fiercely. Thank you for being there, for loving with an unconditional love. It is life changing, because of it I will never be the same. Eat something yummy for me. Hug my boys tight. I will write you again as soon as I can.
Love from Fat Camp, Missy
Transcribed by Donna recd 4/17/13
Note: Missy was transferred to Perryville Thurs 4/18
See FAQ section for instructions on sending letters, cards and donations.
She will need to purchase MOST of her own items when she gets there, so we are relying on donations. If you are on her visitors and phone list you can print up your visitors forms off the Link to Perryville Prison site and start filling them out.
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