What am I allowed to mail Missy?


  • Postcards
  • Basic greeting cards (nothing fancy - no glitter, pop-ups, etc.)
  • Drawings! She would love you to draw her a picture :)
  • Regular letters, as many pages as you'd like (typed or hand-written)
  • Photographs, no more than 30 at a time (size limit 4x6) Maybe just send a couple of the best ones - she can only keep 30 at a time.

Not Permitted

  • Offensive material of any kind (language or images)
  • Extra stamps (other than the ones you used to mail your letter)
  • Money - all money has to be sent by money order or cashiers check and has to be put directly on Missy's account.
  • Pretty much anything other than letters - if you want to send books or magazines, they have to be sent through approved vendors. All other items she has to purchase through her account.

Can I send a package?

If you really want to send something other than a letter, the best thing to do is to put money on her account. The easiest way to do this is through Western Union: https://wumt2.westernunion.com/WUCOMWEB/staticMid.do?method=load&pagename=QCCorrectional&countryCode=US&languageCode=en&nextSecurePage=Y
Choose Arizona, and then Arizona Department of Corrections. It is best to send $99 or less - larger amounts tend to get delayed. Missy has to pay for everything while she is there - shoes, extra clothes, soap, toothpaste - you name it. So you while you can't mail her a care package, you can give her money so she can buy some shampoo or extra stamps :)


Missy is allowed only 20 visitors to be on her permanent visitor list; these are family and friends who are committed to visiting on a regular basis. She is permitted 4 special visits per year - visits from other people who are not on her 20 list. To inquire about a special visit please email us :)

The visitation schedule is as follows:
Saturday: 8:00am to Noon OR Noon to 4:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am to noon or noon to 4:00pm
If visiting during the morning block you must be checked in by 10:00am
If visiting during the afternoon block you must be checked in by 2:00pm

Inmates may have up to 6 visitors at one time. If not everyone is coming at once, it is best if you overlap the visit. If she has a visitor early during the block and they leave before the next person arrives, then she is returned to the yard and will not be allowed back in the visiting area.

What should I wear (or not wear) if I am planning to visit?

  • NO orange, tan, khaki, or brown clothing can be worn (they don't want to mistake you for a guard...or an inmate!)
  • Shorts and skirts must be knee length.
  • No V-Necks, deep necklines, or showing of your tummy.
  • Women: if you can wear a bra without an underwire it will make your trip through security faster.
  • Shirts must not contain anything offensive.
  • Jeans are o.k.
  • Underwear is necessary! :)
  • You can wear any type of shoe, but you will have to take them off to go through security.
  • Belts and watches can be worn but will also have to be removed while going through security.
  • Only jewelry permitted is a wedding band/ring, one pair of small non-dangly earrings and a religious medallion (like a cross neclace)
If you fail security twice you will not be allowed in, so if you can go without the extra metal you will be better off :)

What can I bring when I visit?

  • Driver's License - this is required
  • Single Car Key and/or clicker
  • One pair of prescription glasses or prescription sun glasses
  • Up to $30 in loose coins to use in the vending machine - Yay! Vending machine snacks! Coins must be in a clear bag - a zip-lock bag is fine.

How do I get to Perryville?

If you are coming from Tucson or the East Valley:
Take the I10 West to the Cotton Lane exit. Take a right at the exit and headnorth on Cotton Lane. Take your first left on McDowell.  Turn right on Citrus Lane (it will be the next intersection). The main entrance to the prison will be on your right.  The Prison is located on both the East and West sides of the road, so the yard you are visiting will determine which side you will enter.

The physical address of Perryville:

2105 North Citrus Road
Goodyear, AZ 85395

Main Telephone # (623) 853-0304
Main Fax # (623) 853-0425

Phone Calls

Only those people who have been approved on an inmates visitation list will be permitted to accept calls from an inmate.

Phase 1 inmates get one phone call per day
Phase 2 inmates get two phone calls per day
Phase 3 inmates are permitted unlimited phone call per day

Inmate Phase System

The different Phases of inmates:

Phase I - date of arrival to 6 months with NO disciplinary
Phase II - 6 months to 1 year with NO disciplinary
Phase III - over one year with NO disciplinary

Phase I is permitted one 4 hour visit per weekend and one phone call per day.
Phase II is permitted three , 4 hour blocks of visits per weekend and two phone calls per day.
Phase III is permitted four, 4 hour blocks of visits per weekend.  If medium custody, they are permitted up to 5 phone calls per day, if minimum custody, unlimited phone calls per day.
(they may only make calls to those people who are their approved list of visitors)
Inmates may purchase different items from the commissary depending on which phase they are. You can check the DOC website under policies for more information on the different privileges allowed each phase.

Perryville Link

Click on this link to find out more about Department of Correction policies, find an inmate, the specific PO Box of the "yards", food visit schedule and general information about the prison. Reading the policy really will help you get a better idea about the ins and outs of Arizona's prison system. http://www.azcorrections.gov/prisons/Prisca_Prisons_Perryvil.aspx